Burn your Rock and Roll Hall of Fame membership card in protest. It seems that last month when they (The RRHF jury) announced next year’s inductees -- for the third year in a row -- Kiss didn’t make the cut. Remember “Detroit Rock City” and weep. It’s not that I’m that upset about them dissing Kiss, but I am upset about the fact that ABBA made it. That’s right, the mediocre disco band that gave us “Dancing Queen.” The Sweds’ know as much about Rock and Roll as they do about making car. Who the heck are these judges, and what are they thinking? Have they run out of real Rock and Rollers? Hey you dumb ass judges, “how about Joe Cocker, CSNY, Alice Cooper, or the Red Hot Chili Peppers.” As hard as it is to believe, Joe Cooker or Cosby Stills Nash and Young (both who appeared at Woodstock) have not yet been inducted. Detroit should be up in arms that its’ home boy/girl/or whatever, Alice Cooper is too much for the RRHF. And what do these guys have against The Chili Peppers -- maybe they’re too spicy. I am glad that among next year’s inductees are: The Stooges, Genesis and Jimmy Cliff. But I think, to save face, each of them should refuse to stand on the same stage with ABBA.
I frequently refer to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as my Mecca. I generally face northwest at least once a day and bow my head. Come March 15, 2010, I plan to face southeast, bend over, lower my pants to show the-powers-that-be in Cleveland what I think of their induction ceremony.